About Us

IYREF 2025

Integrated Youth Renewable Energy Festival (IYREF) adalah sebuah kegiatan yang diselenggarakan oleh Society of Renewable Energy (SRE) ITB untuk mengajak siswa sekolah menengah dan sarjana untuk berkontribusi dan ikut serta meraih masa depan bagi energi terbarukan. Tujuan utama diselenggarakannya kegiatan ini adalah untuk mendorong dan mengembangkan critical thinking dan problem solving skills pada generasi muda dalam rangka memperluas pengetahuan kaum muda di sektor energi terbarukan hingga nanti pada akhirnya mampu berdampak pada masyarakat. Kegiatan ini terbagi dalam dua bagian besar, yaitu events dan competitions.

IYREF 2025 Theme

Empowering Indonesia's Future Through Sustainable Innovation

Our History

IYREF was held for the first time in 2023. We have gone a long way and we can’t wait for what will come next!



Whats New This Year

Join us this year as we seek to empower the future through sustainable innovations!

Business Case Competition


Business Case Competition

Seek a niche opportunity and set it with your brilliant business idea. Organize it using a pitch deck then present your brilliance!

National Essay Competition


National Essay Competition

Write down your thoughtful insight as a thought-provoking as you want to think. Spread your ideas and insight into a splendid essay in the field of sustainability.

Science Project Competition


Science Project Competition

Create a science project that will propel the field of sustainable development forward. We seek to gain revelations that could help us build a sustainable future.

Content Competition


Content Competition

Show that you exist in this digital age: contents capable of spreading awareness are also impactful as the ideas behind it. Create content and share it with us!


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Media Partners

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