
National Essay Competition
IYREF 2024

The National Essay Competition (NEC) within IYREF targets high school and university students, focusing on essay and pitch deck submissions. Its aim is to enhance problem-solving skills, specifically in renewable energy. Participants explore the theme "The Role of Youth in Advancing Renewable Energy Initiatives," with sub-themes like "Energy Intermittency," "Inclusivity in Energy Access," and "Integration of Renewable Energy in Youth Curriculum."


"The Role of Youth in Advancing Renewable Energy Initiatives"

Energy Intermittency

Inclusivity in Energy Access

Integration of Renewable Energy in Youth Curriculum


Total Competition Prize Up To

IDR 30.000.000

All competition participants are eligible for a complimentary review of their abstract by professional judges

For Top 50 finalist

FREE Webinar Session : How To Write an Essay

E-Certificates for all participants

For Top 5 Finalist

All Top 50’s Benefits

EXCLUSIVE Coaching Session : How To Pitch



24 Feb - 16 Mar 2024

Registation and Abstract Submission

3 April 2024

Top 50 Finalist Announcement

3 - 5 April 2024

Top 50 Finalist Registration

5 April 2024

Webinar: How to Write an Essay

16 - 22 April 2024

Essay Submission

5 May 2024

Top 5 Finalist Announcement

7 May 2024

TM and Coaching Session

11 - 14 May 2024

Pitch Deck Submission

18 May 2024

Pitching and Awarding

National Essay Competition

The National Essay Competition in IYREF 2024 is divided into three main stages: Preliminary, Semifinal, and Final Stage. All participants in the respective stages are required to complete and submit documents or other necessary items at each stage.

Registration and Preliminary Stage

Abstract Submission

The initial phase of NEC requires participants to submit an abstract of the essay designed by each team. The submitted abstract should contain content that aligns with the content specified in the abstract section of the full essay.

Re-registration and Semifinal Stage

Full Essay Submission

After undergoing judging and scoring phases by the panel of judges, a total of 50 teams with the highest scores will advance to the semifinal stage and are required to submit a full essay. Teams that qualify for the semifinal stage must proceed with the competition and are not allowed to withdraw for any reason. During the semifinal stage, a re-registration process will take place, and participants must pay a re-registration fee of IDR 150,000.00.

Final Stage

Pitch Deck Submission

The full essays submitted by 50 teams will undergo a judging and scoring process by appointed judges. The top 5 teams with the highest scores will progress to the final stage and are required to submit a pitch deck as a pitching aid during the presentation by the 5 finalists. The pitching session will be conducted offline at the Ganesha campus of the Bandung Institute of Technology, and the top 5 finalists must be present on May 18, 2024.


Webinar : How to Write an Essay

This webinar is organized as an effort to provide a comprehensive understanding of research essay writing with a focus on the overarching them "The Role of Youth in Advancing Renewable Energy Initiatives." Carrying the webinar theme "How to Write an Essay" the objective is not only to provide guidance on essay writing principles but also to offer insights into the concepts and benefits of renewable energy.

Date : April 5th, 2024

Time : 19.00 WIB - END

Place : Zoom Meeting

Speaker : TBA


Only for the top 50 participants


Are available for the general public

Coaching: How to Pitch

This coaching session is organized as an effort to provide a thorough understanding of pitch deck composition and pitching techniques. Under the theme "How to Pitch," this webinar aims to offer intensive guidance to the Top 5 (finalists) of NEC 2024 in preparation for their pitching sessions in the final round.

Date : May 7th, 2024

Time : 19.00 WIB - END

Place : Zoom Meeting

Speaker : TBA


Only for NEC 2024 finalists

What Are You Waiting For?

Go Register Yourself



(ID Line : jessicaabdiman)


(WA : 087776108222)
