
Policy Case Competition
IYREF 2024 x NEX STEP XChange

A policy case competition encourages young people to think critically, analytically, and creatively to present solution papers on study cases from each province about energy transition. Participants, organized into teams, develop a comprehensive policy solution to address a particular real-world problem or issue.

"IYREF 2024 x NEX STEP XChange"

IYREF 2024 x NEX STEP XChange is a collaboration program by New Energy Nexus Indonesia and SRE ITB, designed to provide platforms for young individuals to actively engage and contribute to the development of policies that promote the energy transition in Indonesia. NEX STEP XChange embodies the essential role of the youth as our next generation in driving policy changes crucial for Indonesia’s energy transition.


Total Competition Prize Up To

IDR 14.000.000

Go register your team if you meet the eligibilities below

University students (Bachelor/Master degree) from West Java, excluding Depok & Bekasi (Students from these two cities can register for the competition held in DKI Jakarta)
Aged 18-30 years old
Have interest in policy-making related to energy transition
Note that only one master degree student is allowed in each team


26 Mar - 12 Apr 2024

Open Registration

18 April 2024

Case Distribution

18 Apr - 1 May 2024

Preliminary Phase

9 May 2024

Top 5 Announcement

10 May - 12 May 2024


17 May 2024

Pitch Deck Submission

18 May 2024

Pitching and Awarding

Policy Case Competition

IYREF 2024 x NEX STEP XChange is divided into two main stages: Preliminary and Final Stage. All participants in the respective stages are required to complete and submit documents or other necessary items at each stage.

Preliminary Stage

Paper submission

In this stage, participants are required to create a Paper containing a detailed solution in the given case study. Participants are encouraged to provide their comprehensive perspectives and insights into their solutions. Participants are advised to write the Paper according to the applicable guidelines.

Final Stage

Pitch Deck Submission & Pitching

The top 5 teams with the highest scores will progress to the final stage and are required to submit a pitch deck as a pitching aid before the presentation by the 5 finalists. There will be some coaching sessions from New Energy Nexus Indonesia to provide the participants with some materials that will help participants during pitch deck making. The pitching session will be conducted offline at the Ganesha campus of the Bandung Institute of Technology, and the top 5 finalists must be present on May 18, 2024.

What Are You Waiting For?

Go Register Yourself


Intan Maudika

(WA : 081222218718 / LINE : intanmaudika.p)

Ridha Pramesthi

(WA : 081237872887 / LINE : ridha43pramesthi)
